Welcome to 4th Grade
4th graders have opportunities to be challenged academically, creatively, and physically. We work hard to expand writing skills, learn new Math and Science concepts and enjoy diving into Art projects using a variety of different mediums.
Participating in different sports and games during PE, recess, or a school sponsored event challenge students physically. Here they learn strategy, endurance, and how to be a positive teammate.
Field trips to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Dodge Nature Center, Big River Journey and Biztown expand what we’ve learned in the classroom to a fun, educational setting.

What’s Coming Up

Penny Mielke
Throughout my career I have taught a multi-grade classroom, middle school, Preschool and now 4th grade. I have determined, I have a passion for 4th graders! They come to school excited to learn whether they are working individually, in pairs, or in groups. My goal is to encourage independent work, practice time management, work to the best of their abilities, and continue working on social skills. Being a leader, helping those in need, and showing kindness to others are skills we practice daily.
Besides teaching, I enjoy coaching and putting my musical talents to use. I play organ and piano, regularly accompanying for school or church. Sharing my love of music with 4th graders is something I enjoy very much.
I am married to a high school Biology teacher/basketball coach, and we have 3 children. Family time is important to us whether we are spending time at home together, cheering on our kids at a game, or supporting them in other events.